First Order Logic

First Order Logic (FOL) overcomes the limitations of Propositional Logic

Also called as 
  • Quantificational Logic
  • Predicate Logic
  • First-Order Predicate Logic

It contains variables that refer to things in world and we can quantify over them.

First Order Logic is 
- declarative like Propositional Logic
- expressive like Natural Language

Sentences are viewed as expressing relations between individuals.


  1. Terms : logical expression representing objects or individuals
    a. Constants : they depict properties. Example: Blue, Binod
    b. Variables : they depicts objects. Example: `x`
    c. Functions : they depict relations. Example: friendOf(Shweta)

  2. Predicates: these are propositions containing variables. These take argument as Terms. 
    - If one argument is there, they are called
    - If two arguments are there, they are called relation
    a. friends(Pandit, Shweta) [depict relation | arguments are constant Terms]

    b. isPink(Jeans(Sonam)) [depict property | Sonam's jeans is Pink]

  3. Connectives: `\neg,\vee,\wedge,\implies,\iff`

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